Xiong (Bill) Yu, Ph.D., P.E., Fellow ASCE
Opal J. and Richard A. Vanderhoof Professor and Chair
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Professor of Electrical, Computer, System Engineering Professor Computer and Data Science
Case Western Reserve University
· Multiphysics Processes in Geomaterials including the Frost Effects
1. Dong, S. Y. and Yu, X. 2018, Microstructure-Based Random FEM Simulation of Frost Heave: Theory and Implementation, Transportation Research Record, in production
2. Dong, S. Y. and Yu, X. 2018, A Method for Quick Prediction of Hydraulic Conductivity and Soil-Water Retention of Unsaturated Soils, Transportation Research Record, in production
3. Dong, S. Y. and Yu, X. 2018. Procedures for Quick Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity of Unsaturated Soils, Environmental Geotechnics, in production
4. Liu, Z. and Yu, X. (2014). Predicting the Phase Composition Curve in Frozen Soils using Index Properties: A Physico-Empirical Approach, Cold Region Science and Technology, Volume 108, December 2014, Pages 10–17
5. Liu, Z., Yu, X., Wan, L. (2014). Capillary Rise Method for the Measurement of the Contact Angle of Soils, Acta Geotechnica, February 2016, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp 21–35.
6. Dai Q.L., Xiao, X., Zhang, B.. Yu. X. (2014). Investigation of Internal Curing Effects on Microstructure and Permeability of Interface Transition Zones in Cement Mortar with SEM Imaging, Transport Simulation and Hydration Modeling Techniques, Construction & Building Materials, in press.
7. Liu, Z. and Yu, X. (2014). Multiphysics Modeling of Pavement under Frost Action, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Volume 15, Issue 5, 2014, pp. 427-437.
8. Dai, Q.L., Kenneth, N.G., Sun, Y., and Yu, X. (2014). Investigation of Internal Frost Damage in Cementitious Materials with Micromechanics Analysis, SEM Imaging and Ultrasonic Wave Scattering Techniques, Construction & Building Materials, Volume 50, 15 January 2014, pp 478–485.
9. Dai, Q.L., Ng, K., Liu, Y., and Yu, X. (2013). Investigation of Internal Frost Damage in Concrete with Thermodynamic Analysis, Microdamage Modeling, and Time-Domain Reflectometry Sensor Measurements. J. Mater. Civ. Eng., Volume 25 Issue 9, pp.1248–1259.
10. Liu, Z., Zhang, B., Yu, X., Tao, J., Sun, Y. and Gao, Q. 2013. Thermally Induced Water Flux in Soils. Transportation Research Record. Volume 2349: Geology and Properties of Earth Materials 2013, pp 63-71.
11. Liu, Z. and Yu, X. (2013). A Physically-Based Equation for the Phase Composition Curve of Frozen Soils, Transportation Research Record. Volume 2349: Geology and Properties of Earth Materials, pp 93-99.
12. Liu, Z., Yu, X. and Wan, L. (2013). An Investigation in the Influence of Contact Angle on Soil Water Characteristic Curve with a Modified Capillary Rise Method, Transportation Research Record. Volume 2349 / Geology and Properties of Earth Materials, pp 32-40.
13. Liu, Z. and Yu. X. (2013) Multiscale Chemo-Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Modeling of Early Stage Cement Hydration and Shrinkage, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Volume 25, No. 9, September 2013, pp. 1239-1247
14. Liu, Z. and Yu, X. (2013). Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Simulation of Methane Hydrate Dissociation in Porous Media, Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Volume 31, pp1681-1691.
15. Liu, Z., Yu, X., Tao, J. and Sun, Y. (2012). Multiphysics extension to physically based analyses of pipes with emphasis on frost actions. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 13, pp877-887. DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A12ISGT2.
16. Liu, Z., Yu, X., Sun, Y. and Zhang, B. (2012). Formulation and Characterization of Freezing Saturated Soils, Journal of Cold Region Engineering, Volume 27, Issue 2, pp94–107.
17. Liu, Z., Zhang, B., Yu, X., Zhang, B. and Tao, J. (2011). A New Method for Soil Water Characteristic Curve Measurement Based on Similarities between Soil Freezing and Drying. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 35, GTJ103653 DOI: 10.1520/GTJ103653
18. Liu, Z., Yu, X.B., Yu, X. and Gonzalez, J. (2011). Time Domain Reflectometry Sensor-Assisted Freeze/Thaw Analysis on Geomaterials, Cold Regions Science and Technology, in press, DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2011.10.002.
19. Liu, Z. and Yu, X. (2011). Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Model for Porous Materials under Frost Action: Theory and Implementation, ACTA Geotechnica, Volume 6, Issue 2, pp51-65.
20. Liu, Z. and Yu, X. (2011). Coupled Hydro-Thermo-Mechanical Modelling of Pavement under Frost Action, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Volume 6, Issue 2, pp51-65. DOI:10.1007/s11440-011-0135-6.
21. Liu, Z., Yu, X.B., Gonzalez, J., and Yu. X. (2011). Innovative Sensor and Analyses for Investigating the Effects of Freeze-Thaw on Soils, Advanced Materials Research, Volumes. 255-260, pp. 4251-4255.
22. Liu, Z., Zhang, B. and Yu, X. (2011). Multiphysics for Early Stage Cement Hydration: Theoretical Framework, Advanced Materials Research, Volumes. 255-260, pp. 4247-4250.
23. Liu, Z., Sun, Y. and Yu, X. (2012). Theoretical basis for Modeling Porous GeoMaterials under Frost Action: A Review, Soil Science Society America Journal, Volume 76 No. 2, pp 313-330
· Multiscale Process in Geomaterials and Geosystems
24. Guo, Y. and Yu, X. 2018. Holistic Computational Model for Prediction of Clay Suspension Structure, International Journal of Sediment Research, Accepted
25. Guo, Y., Han, C.J., and Yu, X. 2017. Laboratory Characterization and Discrete Element Modeling of Shrinkage and Cracking in Clay Layer, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, accepted.
26. Guo, Y., Yu, X. and Yang, Y. 2017. Influence of Particle Shape on the Erodibility of Cohesionless Soil: Insight from Coupled CFD-DEM Simulation, Particuology, accepted.
27. Guo, Y. and Yu, X. 2017. Analyses of Factors Affecting Soil Surface Erosion with Coupled CFD-DEM Simulation Model, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, accepted.
28. Guo, Y. and Yu, X. 2016. Comparison of the implementation of three common types of coupled CFD-DEM model for simulating soil surface erosion. Journal of Multiphase Flow, Volume 91, May 2017, Pages 89–100
29. Guo, Y. and Yu, X. 2016, Design and analyses of open-ended pipe piles in cohesionless soils, Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, March 2016, Volume 10, Issue 1, pp 22–29.
30. Guo, Y. and Yu, X. (2015). Understanding the Microscopic Moisture Migration in Pore Space using DEM Simulation, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2015, Pages 171–177
31. Gao, Q., Tao, J.L, Hu, J.Y., and Yu, X. (2015). Laboratory study on the mechanical behaviors of an anisotropic shale rock, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2015, Pages 213–219
· Energy Geotechnics and Energy Technologies
32. Han, C.J. and Yu, X. 2018. An innovative energy pile technology to expand the viability of geothermal bridge deck snow melting for different United States regions, Journal of Renewable Energy, in production
33. Han, C,J, and Yu, X. 2018, Performance Analyses of Geothermal and Geothermo-Electrical Pavement Snow Melting System, Journal of Energy Engineering, in production.
34. Han, C.J., Ellett, K., Naylor, C., and Yu, X. 2017, "Influence of Local Geological Data on the Performance of Horizontal Ground-coupled Heat Pump System Integrated with Building Thermal Loads", Renewable Energy, in production
35. Li, J.L. and Yu, X. 2017. Analyses of the extensible blade in improving wind energy production at sites with low-class wind resource, Energetics, accepted
36. Li, J.L. and Yu, X. 2017. On-Site Calibration of Wind Shear Model: A Case Study for Wind Energy Assessment around Lake Erie, Applied Energy, accepted
37. Li, J.L. and Yu, X. 2017. LiDAR technology for wind energy potential assessment: demonstration and validation at sites around Lake Erie, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 144, 15 July 2017, Pages 252–261
38. Han, C.J. and Yu, X. 2016c, Feasibility of Geothermal Heat Exchanger Pile-Based Bridge Deck Snow Melting System: A Simulation Based Analysis, Renewable Energy, accepted.
39. Han, C.J. and Yu, X., 2016a, Performance of a residential ground source heat pump system in sedimentary rock formation, Applied Energy, 164, p. 89–98, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.12.003.
40. Han, C.J. and Yu, X., 2016b, Sensitivity Analysis of a Vertical Geothermal Heat Pump System, Applied Energy, Volume 170, 15 May 2016, Pages 148–160
41. Li, J.L. and Yu, X. (2015). Model and Procedures for Reliable Near Term Wind Energy production Forecast, Wind Engineering 39(6):595-608 · December 2015.
42. Hu, J.Y. and Yu, X. (2015). Reflectance Spectra of Thermochromic Asphalt Binder: Characterization and Optical Mixing Model, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Volume 28, Issue 2 (February 2016)
43. Hu, J.Y. and Yu, X. (2015). Innovative Thermochromic Asphalt Coating: Characterization and Thermal Performance, Road Materials and Pavement Design, 17(1):1-16 · July 2015
44. Wu, G.X. and Yu, X. (2015). A Comprehensive 3D Finite Element Model of a Thermoelectric Module Used in a Power Generator: A Transient Performance Perspective, Journal of Electronic Materials, June 2015, Volume 44, Issue 6, pp 2080–2088
45. Wu, G, Yu, X. (2015) The Feasibility of a Current-Source Thermoelectric Power Generator and Its Corresponding Structure Design, Journal of Electronic Materials, June 2015, Volume 44, Issue 6, pp 1943-1947.
46. Wu, G.X. and Yu, X. (2014), A Holistic 3D Finite Element Simulation Model for Thermoelectric Power Generator Element, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 86, October 2014, pp 99–110.
47. Wu, G. X. and Yu, X. (2013). Computer-Aided Design of Thermal Energy Harvesting System across Pavement Structure, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, Volume 5, Issue 5: pp311-316.
· Smart Materials for Infrastructure and Applications
48. Hu, J.Y. and Yu, X. 2017. Measurement of Wavelength and Temperature-dependent Optical Properties of Thermochromic Pigments, Applied Spectroscopy, Accepted
49. Hu, J.Y. and Yu, X. 2017. Optical Properties of Smart Thermochromic Film by Computational Optical Model, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Accepted.
50. Hu, J.Y., Wanasekara, N., Yu, X. (Bill) (2014). Thermal Properties of Thermochromic Asphalt Binders by Modulated Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Transportation Research Record, in press.
51. Hu, J.Y., Gao, Q., and Yu, X. (2014), Characterization of the Optical and Mechanical Properties of Innovative Multifunctional Thermochromic Asphalt Binders, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, in press.
52. Kung, Chih-Chien; Lin, Po-Yuan; Buse, Frederick John; Xue, Yuhua; Yu, X.; Dai, Liming; Liu, Chung-Chiun (2014). Preparation and characterization of three dimensional graphene foam supported platinum–ruthenium bimetallic nanocatalysts for hydrogen peroxide based electrochemical biosensors, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 52, pp 1-7.
53. Chih-Chien Kung, Po-Yuan Lin, Yuhua Xue, Rohan Akolkar, Liming Dai, Xiong Yu, Chung-Chiun Liu (2014). Three dimensional graphene foam supported platinum–ruthenium bimetallic nanocatalysts for direct methanol and direct ethanol fuel cell applications, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 256, 15 June 2014, pp 329–335.
54. Hu, J.Y. and Yu, X. (2013). Experimental Study of Sustainable Asphalt Binder: Influence of Thermochromic Materials, Transportation Research Record, Issue Number: 2372, pp 108–115.
55. Hu, J.Y. and Yu, X. (2013). Innovative Chromogenic Materials for Pavement Life Extension: Modeling Study of Surface Temperature of Sustainable Asphalt Pavement, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, Mar2013, Volume 6, Issue 2, pp141-146.
56. Wang, R., Tao, J., Yu, X. and Dai, L. (2013). Characterization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes/polymethyl meth-acrylate composites as denture base materials. J. Biomater. Res. Part B J Prosthet Dent.;Volume 111, Issue 4, pp318-326. doi: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2013.07.017 .
· Innovative Sensors (including bioinspired sensors) and Non-Destructive Technology for Infrastructure Health Monitoring
57. Yang, Y. and Yu, X. 2016. Image analyses for video-based remote structure vibration monitoring system, Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, March 2016, Volume 10, Issue 1, pp 12–21.
58. Chanyong Choi, Minwoo Song, Daehyeon Kim and Yu, X., 2016. A New Non-Destructive TDR System Combined with a Piezoelectric Stack for Measuring Properties of Geomaterials, Materials 2016, 9(6), 439; doi:10.3390/ma9060439
59. Gao, Q. and Yu, X. (2015). Design and evaluation of a high sensitivity spiral TDR scour sensor, Smart Mater. Struct., Vol. 24,No. 8, 085005, doi:10.1088/0964-1726/24/8/085005
60. Gao. Q. and Yu, X. (2015). Design, Analyses, and Evaluation of A Spiral TDR Sensor with High Spatial Resolution, Smart Structures and Systems, An International Journal, Volume 16, Issue 4, 2015, pp.683-699
61. Zhang, B., Han, C.J. and Yu, X. (2015). A non-destructive method to measure the thermal properties of frozen soils during phase transition, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2015, Pages 155–162
62. Tao, J.L. and Yu, X. (2015). Bio-inspired directional sensor with piezoelectric microfiber and helical electrodes, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and structure, Published online before print November 17, 2015, doi: 10.1177/1045389X15610904
63. Sun, Y. and Yu, X. (2014). An Innovative Non-intrusive Driver Assistance System for Vital Signal Monitoring, Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI), IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 10.1109/JBHI.2014.2305403.
64. Sun, Y., Yu, X., Liu, Z., Liu, Y., Tao, J.L. (2013). Advanced Ultrasonic Technology for Freezing Damage Prevention of Concrete, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, International Journal of Pavement Research & Technology; Mar2013, Volume 6, Issue 2, pp86-90.
65. Sun, Y., Chung, C.-Y., Yu, X., Liu, Z., Liu, Y. & Tao, J. (2013). Advanced Ultrasonic Technology for Air Void Distribution in Concrete. Materials Evaluation, ASNT, March 2013 pp359-368.
66. Yu, X.B., Zhang, B., Tao, J. and Yu, X. (2013). A New Time Domain Reflectometry Bridge Scour Sensor, Structural Health Monitoring. 2013 vol. 12 no. 2 99-113, doi: 10.1177/1475921713476331.
67. Tao, J. and Yu, X. (2012). Hair flow sensors: from bio-inspiration to bio-mimicking—a review. Smart Materials and Structures, 21, 113001. Doi:10.1088/0964-1726/21/11/113001.
68. Tao, J., Sun, Y., Wu, G. and Yu, X. (2012). Emulating the directional sensitivity of fish hair cell sensor. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, January 17, 2013 1045389X12473378
69. Dai, Q.L., Yu, X., Ng, K., and Liu, Z. (2011). Development of Micromechanics Models and Innovative Sensor Technologies to Evaluate Internal-Frost Damage of Concrete, Transportation Research Record, Volume 2240 / Concrete Materials, pp 50-58.
70. Yu, X.B., Liu, Y., Gonzalez, J. and Yu, X. (2010). A new TDR sensor for accurate freeze–thaw measurement, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, Volume 13, Issue 6, December 2012, pp 523-534.
71. Zhang, B., Yu, X.B. and Yu, X. (2010). Design and Simulation of A Distributed Moisture Sensor, Smart Materials and Structures, ISSN:1738-1584 ; Volume 6; No.9; pp1007-1023.
72. Yu, X,B, Liu, N., Penner,V. and Yu, X. (2010). Comparison of Three Technologies for Freezing-Thawing Measurement, Journal of Advances in Civil Engineering, Volume 2010, Article ID 239651, 10 pages.
73. Yu, X.B. and Yu, X. (2011). Assessment of An Automation Algorithm for TDR Bridge Scour Monitoring System, Journal of Advancement in Structural Engineering, ISSN 1369-4332, Volume 14, Issue 1, p13.
74. Yu, X.B. and Yu, X. (2011). Development and Evaluation of An Automatic on Algorithm for TDR Bridge Scour Monitoring System under Various Conditions, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Feb2011, Volume 48 Issue 1, p26.
75. Yu, X.B. and Yu, X. (2010). Laboratory Evaluation of Time Domain Reflectometry for Bridge Scour Measurement: Comparison with the Ultrasonic Method, Journal of Advances in Civil Engineering, vol. 2010, Article ID 508172, 12 pages, 2010. doi:10.1155/2010/508172.
76. Chen, R.P., Chen, Y.M., Xu, W. and Yu, X. (2010). Measurement of electrical conductivities of pore fluid of saturated sandy soils using TDR measurements, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Volume 47 Issue 2, pp197-206.
77. Yu, X.B. and Yu, X. (2009). Time Domain Reflectometry Automatic Bridge Scour Measurement System: Principles and Potentials, Structural Health Monitoring Journal, Volume 463, Issue 8, pp 463-476.
78. Yu, X.B., Liu, N., Yu, X. and Li, N. (2007). Sensor Technology for Decision Support of Spring Load Restrictions, Journal of Transportation Research Record, Volume 2053 / Geology and Properties of Earth Materials, ISSN 0361-1981, pp 17-22.
79. Chen R.P., Drnevich, V.P., Yu, X. and Nowack, R.L. (2007). Water Content Measurements with Time Domain Reflectrometry in Highly Conductive Soils Using Reflections from the Soil Surface, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ISSN 1090-0241, Volume 133 Issue 2, pp 1597-1608.
80. Drnevich V.P., Ashmawy, A.K., Yu. X. and Sallan, A.M. (2005). Time Domain Reflectometry for Water Content and Density of Soils: Sensitivity Analysis of Soil-Dependent Coefficients, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Volume 42 Issue 4, pp1053-1065.
81. Yu, X. and Drnevich, V. P. (2004). Density Compensation of TDR Calibrations for Geotechnical Applications, Journal of ASTM International, DOI: 10.1520/JAI12190, 16p.
82. Yu, X. and Drnevich, V. P. (2004). Time Domain Reflectometry for Compaction Control of Stabilized Soils, Journal of Transportation Research Record, Volume 1868, pp14-22.
83. Yu, X. and Drnevich, V. P. (2004). Soil Water Content and Dry Density by Time Domain Reflectometry, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Volume 130, No.9, pp922-934.
84. Yu, X. (2004). Field Evaluation of Ground Stiffness by Static and Dynamic Tests, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Volume 9, Bun. D, Paper No. 0434.
· Infrastructure Engineering Design and Asset Management
85. Mazumder, R.K., Salman, A.M., Li, Y., & Yu, X. “Seismic Functionality and Resilience Analysis of Water Distribution Systems”, Journal of Pipeline Systems - Engineering and Practice, ASCE, (Submitted July 06, 2018).
86. Mazumder, R. M., Salman, A., Li, Y., and Yu, X. (2018) “Performance Evaluation of Water Distribution Systems and Asset Management,” Journal of Infrastructure Systems, ASCE, 24(3): 03118001.
87. Mazumder, R.K., Salman, A.M., Li, Y., & Yu, X. (2018) “Reliability Analysis of Water Distribution Systems using Physically-based Pipeline Failure Method”, J. of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE. (In Press).
88. Guo, Y., Li, J.L., Yu, X. (2017). Effective and Safe Berming for Pavement Shoulder Maintenance in Cold Region, Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, in production
89. Liang F.Y., Wang, C, and Yu, X., 2016, Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Performance of Sacrificial Piles in Reducing Local Scour around Pile Groups, Natural Hazards, accepted.
90. Huang, Y.W. and Yu, X. (2007). Reconnaissance of New Orleans Levee System Failure and Its Implications for Levee System Design, The Chinese Journal of Ocean Engineering, Volume 26 Issue 2, pp 112-118.
91. Yu, X., Yang H.P., and Wang, Z.X. (2000). Three Dimensional Seismic Response Analysis of Spillway, Hydro Science and Engineering, ISSN1001-3962, No.3, pg. 22-26.
92. Wang Z. X., Yu, X., and Niu, L. (1998). 3-D imitation for Pre-stressed Concrete Snail Shell, Industrial Construction, ISSN 1000-8993, No. 6, pg. 34-37.
93. Wang Z. X., Yu, X., Niu, L., and Niu, X.G. (1998). Three-dimension Finite Element Structure Analysis on Pre-stressed Concrete Spiral Case, Journal of Hydropower, ISSN 0559-9342, No. 4, pg. 27-29.
94. Yu, X., Zhou Y.F., and Peng S.Z (2005). Stability Analysis of Gravity-Arch Dam Abutments by 3D Elasto-Plastic Finite Element Method, the International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science, Volume 42, pp 415-430.
Representative Recent Publications